Water All Around the World
Full Church Curriculum
Price: $85
This curriculum includes content for children, youth, adults, and for a churchwide gathering. It takes you to countries where clean water is not readily available and helps them learn about:
the value of clean water
how children and their families in Haiti, Cuba, Guatemala, Ghana, and Mexico struggle to have clean water
how your church can help
​“I was excited to hear that Living Waters for the World was embarking on a project to update and expand the curriculum - Water All Around the World - to make it more flexible to a variety of settings. I was surprised and honored to share in that endeavor along with some of the most gifted and experienced educators in the APCE network as well as the dedicated staff of LWW. Our church and neighboring clergy are now looking at adapting this new curriculum for an ecumenical or possible interfaith summer camp this year.”
Contributed by Rev. Jon Brown
Pastor, Old Bergen Church, Jersey City, NJ
Co-chair, 2024 APCE Annual Event
Solid reformed theology.
Mission stories about children to whom our kids could relate.
Material for children, youth, and adults to learn together about the world water crisis.
A quality product at a reasonable price.
No need to build a Broadway-quality set that detracts from the Biblical message.
Songs familiar to the church that the children will hear again in a religious setting.
Clear instructions with supplies that are easily available and not branded to the publisher.
Emphasis on building relationships with mission partners.
Contributed by Jenny Thagard, CCE
Executive Director, Living River Retreat