Water and the Word: Water in the Well
Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water. She went, and filled the skin with water, and gave the boy a drink.
Genesis 21:19
If the water in the well
could talk to us today,
what story would it tell
of the people who come by?
Would it tell us of the women
who walk a very long way
carrying jars on their heads
dipping water for their families?
Would it tell us of the stories
shared by the gathering ones,
the familiarity of their daily routine
creating them as family, too?
Would it tell us of the way
people help one another
when those long in the tooth
struggle to fill and carry?
Would it tell us of the way
its gift of pure coolness,
banishes parched lives
and carries life itself?
Would it ask you and me
if we'd visited recently
and watched joy
as it spread from soul to soul?
I think it would.
© 2020 Todd Jenkins