The Ballad of LWW

(If you squint your ears in just the right way, you might be able to hear Lynyrd Skynyrd playing “The Ballad of Curtis Loew” in the background.)
I used to think that mission
was giving people stuff
‘cause they could not afford it
and we had more’n enough.
You fly down to a country —
a different kind of neighborhood —
give ‘em a few leftovers,
declare you’ve done great good.
With Living Waters for the World,
I’ve come to understand,
mission’s not a handout,
no matter how much you can.
It’s about the connections,
and people that we meet;
‘cause we are all God’s children
each with our own clay feet.
Play me a song,
mission love, mission love.
Show me the partners
I should be thinking of.
I’ll listen with my heart
so I can comprehend
the strength of our connections
that make family and kin.
Play me a song,
mission love, mission love.
Show me the partners
I should be thinking of.
I feel that you are here
to teach us of your grace,
so we can share your blessings
in this very time and place.
© 2022 Todd Jenkins