Living Waters’ Yucatan Network Expands (in spite of the pandemic!)
The global pandemic has curtailed almost every activity we used to consider “normal”. Ironically, a health crisis is the very time that people really need safe water to drink! So the Living Waters for the World (LWW) Yucatan Network is forging ahead, albeit at a reduced speed, with expanding into new communities in need of water. Here’s the latest example:

Signing of covenant by "laying on of hands!" in Xbacab, Campeche, Mexico in January 2020
In January, 2020, the Transylvania Presbytery team traveled to the town of Xbacab, where they signed a covenant with the church, and set an installation date for July 2020. A few weeks later, the pandemic hit the world like a tsunami, and the installation was postponed until October. Of course, that didn’t happen either, as both countries were still at dangerous levels. So there were two options:
1. delay the installation until the pandemic is over in both countries, or
2. ask the very capable Mexican members of the team to install/educate without us.
Not wanting the community to have to wait for clean water until who-knows-when, option 2 was chosen. The U.S. portion of the team supplied funds for the equipment and supplies, while the church at Xbacab provided the labor and the well. Armed with materials for teaching, tools for installing, and masks for safety, the experienced team of educators and installers began to work their magic on November 18. Three days later, clean water was flowing in that community! A small celebration was held (complying with Mexico’s COVID regulations), and photos and videos were made to send to the Transylvania team. A grand celebration will be held just as soon as the U.S. team can travel to Xbacab.

"Gota," the now famous Yucatan water drop, aids Health Educators in their lessons
None of the above could have happened in the early days of our LWW Yucatan Network. It is the strength of the relationships that have been formed through the years that created the level of trust necessary for us to “let go”, and for them to know that we will always stand in support. This is not a “short term mission”, but rather, as author Eugene Peterson has described it, “a long obedience in the same direction.”

Subdued and socially distanced, but nonetheless JOYFUL dedication/celebration in November 2020
For LWW, the most rewarding part of this installation is that we now have proof positive that our model is not only sustainable across time and appropriate across cultures, but is also reproducible by our in-country partners. What a joy and privilege it is to participate in this kingdom work!
This video is of the installation at Xbacab done by Benjamin, a member of the water team in the Yucatan
Joanie Lukins is a member of the Transylvania Presbytery water team in Kentucky. She also serves as a Health Education instructor at Clean Water U.