It's All in the Family
Seventeen years ago (2004) our Transylvania Presbytery Living Waters for the World (LWW) team began its ministry in the village of Lerma, near Campeche, Mexico. The pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Lerma, whom we had known for several years before that, had heard of our work and requested that we install a water purification system in his church to provide safe, affordable water to his congregation and community.
In 2004, Benjamin (left) was age 3 and David (right) was age 6
That pastor was Carlos MacGregor (his grandfather had been a Scottish Presbyterian missionary there, hence the name!). Fast forward 17 years: Carlos is now the General Coordinator of all of the LWW water plants in the Yucatan peninsula (about 75 of them now, serving many thousands of people).
Through the years of working together, Carlos’ wife Angela and his two sons David and Benjamin have joined our team in the creation of new water plants and the education of those communities about the connection between clean water and good health.

The MacGregor family, 2021: Pastor Carlos and wife Angela, sons Benjamin (left) and David (right)
One of the hallmarks of Living Waters for the World is the establishment of long-term relationships with the communities we serve. And the networking among those communities supports the sustainability of the ministry. Our long and close relationship with the MacGregor family is testimony to this core value. Behind the pumps and pipes of every LWW water plant there are committed, faithful people like these, working daily to serve God’s children in their communities. We are indeed a partnership.
Today, David is preparing to graduate from a Mexican Presbyterian Seminary, and Benjamin is completing his undergraduate studies at the University of Campeche. Your support of the LWW mission has enabled longstanding partnerships like this one to flourish in many parts of the world for decades past and future. Thank you!
About the author: Joanie Lukins is an Education (102) Instructor at Clean Water U and past moderator of Living Waters for the World's Yucatan Network. She serves on the Transylvania Presbytery water team and is a member of The Presbyterian Church in Danville, Kentucky.