Water and the Word: Virtual Water

Much of what we see and do
can be created virtually;
but water?
Sprinkled on your skin,
splashed on your face;
can you imagine something
that could artificially recreate
those sensations?
And how ‘bout
quenching your thirst?
I’m still in the skeptic’s corner
on this.
But can we put together
a distanced, electronic version
of Living Water for the World’s
“Clean Water U”
that will help students and teams
navigate the map to jumping
into the sea of mission and ministry
that laps at the beaches
of Clean-Waterlandia?
Have you ever seen what happens
when you challenge a passel
of helium-handed,
hope-hearted water saints?
In my experience,
they get it done.
I hope and pray
your experience
is the same.
© 2020 Todd Jenkins