Water and the Word: Hydrate

Deep in the woods,
where human footprints
are likely scarce,
there is a pool of cool,
crystal clear water.
Like an oasis,
animal species
of many kinds
trek there daily
to refresh themselves
in a process science
has taught us
to call hydration.
Have you ever thought
of this word’s root?
Hydra — water.
To me,
it means something like,
“to become one
with the water.”
Wherever you live —
village, town, city, metropolis,
or somewhere in-between —
life is elevated to another level —
your life and your neighbor’s —
when we all find easier
and more healthful ways
to become one with the water.
Hydrate, dear ones, hydrate.
It is our path to hope.
© 2020 Todd Jenkins