Partnership #534 enabled Jude to go to college
I am excited to share with you a story about a remarkable young man named Jude Remarais. Jude is from the Haut Camp community of Camp Perrin in Les Cayes, Haiti – the 534th Living Waters for the World (LWW) partnership. Their water purification system, installed in 2013, is considered one of the most productive and fruitful systems in the area.

Jude fills a bottle with clean water from Haut Camp, Haiti's, LWW water purification system.
In 2015, Jude stopped going to school in 10th grade because his parents could no longer afford to pay for his education. Jude wanted to continue school, so he approached the Haut Camp water committee with a proposal. He proposed that he promote the water in return for them paying his tuition. Since then, he has promoted the water all over the community, establishing more than 10 contracts to distribute water weekly. These contracts have generated enough money to pay his tuition from the 10th grade to his second year at CRAN University in downtown Les Cayes where he studies Accounting Sciences! Ancy Fils Aime, In-country Coordinator for LWW’s Haiti network, told us that Jude cares deeply about the proper operation of the system in order to serve the community. He is committed to coming to the system every single weekend to help with the accounting and to pass his skills to other youth in the community. Jude says, “What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others in the world remains and is immortal.”

Jude is grateful for the precious gift of clean water and the team members from Bower Hill Community Church, Mt. Lebanon, Penn., who have accompanied Haut Camp along this journey. You, too, have sustained Jude and his community through your support of Living Waters for the World. Together you have given a gift that will live on in the children, women, and men of Haut Camp and other communities served by Living Waters for the World water systems. Thank you. One thousand times, thank you!
To see more photos and stories from some of the first 1,000 LWW partnerships, visit