Water and the Word: Right
Right God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. And God saw that it was good. (Genesis 1:10)

Sometimes it means
the correct thing to do.
Others, it identifies
a fundamental guarantee
granted by the powers
of the universe –
or at least by
authorities in charge.
It could be universal – granted to all –
or only to a select few;
those who meet the arbitrary criteria
set by those in power.
Since water is
a basic component for life –
not just mentioned in Genesis’
initial creation narrative,
but also identified by science
as a fundamental building block –
we might assume it would be guaranteed
to everyone; especially, safer varieties
whose purity promotes health.
But a cursory examination
of worldly circumstances reveals,
au contraire, that this
is often the exception,
rather than the rule.
This is the part where you get to decide
if you’re going to dedicate
some of your life’s capital
to shifting the exception toward the reality.
What’ll it be?
© 2018 Todd Jenkins