Water and the Word: Gifting

She was a woman of modest means,
not so much because she couldn’t
have succeeded in a vocation
with greater remuneration,
but because she chose
to do what she loved.
Through the inevitable cycle
of the circle of life,
her parents had both recently
joined the church triumphant,
and the probation of their estate
had left her a sum of money
which would have taken her
decades to accumulate.
She visited me, her pastor,
sporting a wide smile,
glowing with the possibilities
of what this money could do
for the mission of the church.
It took a few conversations
and committee meetings to find
a match between gift and need.
Finally came the day
when she arrived
with check in hand.
When all was said and done,
she turned to leave.
These were her parting words,
“I never feel so rich
as when I give
something away!”
That’s the day I began
to more fully understand
the richness of gifting.
© 2017 Todd Jenkins