Your Church's Legacy:
Clean Water for Generations
For over 30 years, Living Waters for the World and our mission teams have partnered with churches, schools, clinics, and orphanages throughout the world and empowered them to take ownership of the health and well-being of their communities. Water purification and health training, led by our partners right where they live, are impacting lives not just now, but will for generations to come.
Your legacy will help them create theirs – a living legacy of hope, health, and love.
We invite you to join the churches below and include Living Waters for the World as part of your church’s legacy.
To learn more, contact Steve Young, Executive Director:
steve@livingwatersfortheworld.org / 615-268-9022
"First Presbyterian Church has had a long history of partnership with Living Waters for the World. Being a part of providing and helping to sustain clean water around the world became part of what we as a congregation believed was an important part of our responsibility. When it became clear that our beloved church could no longer sustain membership levels and decided to close our doors, the Session had to decide on where to deploy our assets. There was never a doubt that part of the proceeds would go to Living Waters for the World. As we made these hard decisions, leaving a legacy of clean water has been something important and hopefully life- changing for those who receive the gift."
First Presbyterian Church
Decatur, Alabama
"Collingswood Presbyterian Church has a rich legacy of welcome and outreach to all of God’s community, both near and far. However, we reached a stage in the life of our congregation that led us to have to sell our beloved church building and therefore blend with another local Presbyterian church to continue our ministry and mission. This has allowed us to provide meaningful financial support to several important organizations, including Living Waters for the World, for whom we have much high regard. We are excited that our substantial and heartfelt gift will live on by empowering churches throughout the world to provide clean water to their communities for years to come."
Collingswood Presbyterian Church
Collingswood, New Jersey
"Service has always been a part of New Hope’s commitment to following Christ, so it was only natural to tithe from the proceeds of the sale of our property when we moved. We believe that God calls us to partner with others so that they can be self-sustaining. Living Waters for the World is committed to providing a hand up instead of just a handout, so they were a natural choice for one of our donations. Clean water is not just a gift, it is a right and great blessing. We are thankful for all that Living Waters for the World does to make clean water possible for all God’s children."
New Hope Presbyterian Church
Chattanooga, Tennessee
"Living Waters for the World has been an important mission for our church for many years. As we closed our doors last year it was important to our congregation to make one last gift. Although we were closing, as a church, we knew the resources would be used wisely to help many. We trust Living Waters for the World to carry forward our mission of serving others."
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Huntsville, Alabama