Water and the Word: Sharing Summit
On a metaphorical mountaintop,Â
together, 111 water saintsÂ
gathered to refreshÂ
one another’s souls,Â
to practice the laying on of ears

Water and the Word: Flow
Ever noticeÂ
that the waterÂ
coming ‘round the bend,Â
across the rocks,Â
and over the damÂ
never seems to worryÂ
about not arriving earlierÂ

Water and the Word: Right
Sometimes it means
the correct thing to do.
Others, it identifies
a fundamental guarantee
granted by the powers
of the un

Water and the Word: Semper Gumby
Believing we are swimmingÂ
in a sea of indifference,Â
I am shocked backÂ
to reality by the heartfeltÂ
words and actionsÂ
of siblingsÂ
from a

Water and the Word: Gift and Receipt
I give and want to be sure I receive;
not a second thought given to why
I think it must always work this way.

Water and the Word: Clean Water U 59
Send us, O Lord,
to all your thirsty children,
that we might learn
our purpose in the world.
Open our ears,
unfold compassion
in our souls,

Water and the Word: Smitten
Smitten - by Rev. Todd Jenkins
Are you washed
in the waters that live?
Do you swim
in the river of love?...

Water and the Word: Wilderness Road
Wilderness Road
Acts 8:26 Then an angel of the Lord said to Philip, "Get up and go toward the south to the road that goes down from Je

Water and the Word: Gifting
She was a woman of modest means,Â
not so much because she couldn’tÂ
have succeeded in a vocationÂ
with greater remuneration,Â
but be

Water and the Word: In the Flow
In the Flow, By Todd Jenkins
From the snow-capped peak,Â
melting trickle buildsÂ
until the river roarsÂ
toward the sea,Â
moving or smoothin