The Ballad of LWW
In this poem, "The Ballad of LWW," Rev. Todd Jenkins reminds us what our mission is and how we can achieve it.

Water and the Word: Lazy Susan
In this poem, "Lazy Susan," Rev. Todd Jenkins reminds us that we all have unique gifts to bring to the table.

Water and the Word: Be a Bridge
In this poem, Rev. Todd Jenkins helps us learn how we can "Be a Bridge".

Water and the Word: Tapestrial
In this poem, "Tapestrial," Rev. Todd Jenkins reminds us we are threads of love.

Water and the Word: Drip
In this poem, "Drip," Rev. Todd Jenkins reminds us of what it means to remember our baptism.

Water and the Word: Planted
In this poem, "Planted," Rev. Todd Jenkins reminds us that we can be firmly planted while moving around our world.

Water and the Word: Oar of Hope
In this poem, "Oar of Hope," Rev. Todd Jenkins challenges us to use our storm experiences to encourage others.

Water and the Word: Across the Mist
In the poem "Across the Mist," Rev. Todd Jenkins reminds us what it is to be full of love and grace.

Water and the Word: Roundabout
In the poem "Roundabout," Rev. Todd Jenkins gives us hope in the wilderness.

Water and the Word: Rivers
In the poem, "Rivers," Rev. Todd Jenkins asks us if we are ready to jump in when the Water of Life calls us.