Partnership #534 enabled Jude to go to college
Jude Remarais had to drop out of school in the 10th grade when his parents could no longer afford his tuition. But that wasn't the end

Clean Water for Students in Peru
650 students in Yantalo, Peru, now have access to clean water in their school! Read on for more about this partnership and its impact on th

Water Ministry Creates Ever-Widening Circle of Enthusiasm within Nashville Church
A Nashville church's water ministry in Appalachia and Peru has created an ever-widening circle of enthusiasm within their church. Read

Water and the Word: At the Scent of Water
In this post, Todd Jenkins explores the ministry of Living Waters for the World through poetry.
What happens
at the scent
of water determine

God Winks in Peru
A newly formed water team from Pensacola, Florida, has signed a covenant with Jicamarca, Peru, to install a water purification system. Read

Communication Challenges Can’t Stop These Mission Partners
Water partners from Houston, Texas, and Nicolas Bravo, Mexico, recently proved that consistent communication between visits can make for an

Mississippi Church Honors Legacy
Ms. Johnnie Webb, a beloved teacher and church member, left Briarwood Presbyterian Church, Jackson, Mississippi, an endowed fund to support

Clean Water Gives Hope in Peruvian Community
A boat named "Esperanza" was a harbinger of the hope to be shared by Christ Episcopal Church, Bowling Green, Ky and their water pa

Why I Volunteer: Relationships
Steve King is a member of the LWW water team at Meadow Grove Baptist Church, Brandon, Miss. Read on to learn why after eleven years, he’s a

Clean Water from One Community to Another
Linwood Park sits on the picturesque shore of Lake Erie, an abundant source of fresh-water. Read on to learn how the community came together