Pure Water - Making a Difference for Young and Old
CWU graduate Rick Johnson talks about partners becoming family. Read on to see how teaching health education in Guatemala changed his life.

Why We Volunteer: The People
Eric and Karen Reidenbach, co-moderators for LWW's El Salvador Network, share why they love LWW and continue to serve faithfully.

More Than Clean Water
The water team at Westminster Presbyterian installs systems in Tennessee. Read on to hear why their installations are more than clean water.

Water and the Word: 1,000 Pictures
In the poem, "1,000 Pictures," Rev. Todd Jenkins shares how he feels during our 64th session of Clean Water U.

A New Thing
Is it okay to be unsettled and excited about what 2021 has in store? Read on to hear what Steve Young thinks and how LWW adapts to change.

Ice Storms, Fundraisers, and Anthills: World Water Day Reflections in the Time of COVID
What do ice storms, fundraisers, and anthills have in common? Read on for the answer and get Kendall Cox's reflections on World Water Day.

Why I Volunteer: Global Health
Hannah Blinn has been involved with LWW since 2012. Read on to see how her interest in global health keeps her engaged.

Love God and Love Others
When you receive a blessing, you use it to bless others. Read on to see how a Guatemalan community puts their faith in action.

Imagine the Unimaginable
Jon Frost reflects on the week the world changed last year. Read on to see how clean water was able to flow in the midst of the pandemic.

When Life Gives You Lemons…
No travel, no face to face - no LWW ministry, right? Guess again. Read on to see how God continued to work through our partners in 2020.