The Power of Connectionalism
Transylvania Presbytery is a living testimonial to the fact that no church is too small to participate in a Living Waters for the World wate

Volunteer Spotlight: John Fleming
We interviewed John Fleming to get the story on how he started volunteering with Living Waters for the World and why he has expanded his inv

Clean Water, Four Generations
We often speak of the goal to empower communities to provide clean water for a generation – but a visit with the Hernández family in Estanci

Guatemala Vision Tour Shines a Light
LWW Vision Tours give a firsthand look at the impact of the ministry. For Ann Naylor, the Vision Tour to Guatemala shined a light on the de

Rain and Resilience!
A water mission team from Fox Valley Presbyterian Church perseveres through heavy rain to reconnect with their partner community in Huehuete

Fives Years of Clean Water at Sancti Spiritus Presbyterian Church
Sancti Spiritus Presbyterian Church in Cuba installed their Living Waters for the World system in 2012. We celebrate with them five years o

Chuck and Shirley Simpson are Blessing Others as They are Blessed
Chuck and Shirley Simpson heard of Living Waters for the World when founder Wil Howie spoke at their church (which was also Wil's parent

Water and the Word: In the Flow
In the Flow, By Todd Jenkins
From the snow-capped peak,Â
melting trickle buildsÂ
until the river roarsÂ
toward the sea,Â
moving or smoothin

Fiesta Agua Viva
In a community named for a lake that once drew the Chicago elite to its shores, Ridgefield-Crystal Lake Presbyterian Church celebrates...

An Ongoing Story of Partnership
The installation of a water purification system can feel like the pinnacle of a Living Waters for the World partnership. But for First Presb