The Ballad of LWW
In this poem, "The Ballad of LWW," Rev. Todd Jenkins reminds us what our mission is and how we can achieve it.

A Family Initiating Partner
The pandemic has made us rethink our work with our partners around the world. Read on to see what a family did to get clean water to Ghana.

Water and the Word: Lazy Susan
In this poem, "Lazy Susan," Rev. Todd Jenkins reminds us that we all have unique gifts to bring to the table.

A Story of Hope and Affirmation
A church in Mississippi partners with a prison in Honduras to provide clean water. Read on for a powerful story of hope and friendship.

A Conversation with LWW's Executive Director
LWW's Executive Director Steve Young shares the state of the organization and what he's excited about for 2022 and beyond. Check it out.

Why I Serve: Transformational Changes from Clean Water
Doug Depies, LWW social media coordinator, shares how he first got involved with LWW and why he has stayed active with the organization.

Living Waters for the World on YouTube
Did you know LWW's Networks have YouTube channels? LWW Education Director Kendall Cox shares those links with us so we can watch and learn.

It's All in the Family
Clean Water U Instructor Joanie Lukins shares a story that began in 2004. Read on to see why relationship and clean water go hand in hand.

Water and the Word: Drip
In this poem, "Drip," Rev. Todd Jenkins reminds us of what it means to remember our baptism.

Hope Restored: Pure Water will Flow
A dry well, a dying tree, and people in need of pure water, but hope is not lost. Read on to hear from Javier about his community's faith.